Choir corner

Hello dear choristers ! On this page, you will find all the necessary material for rehearsing the songs at home: videos to get the songs in your ear, and below a list of the scores.


02. Opening Hymn

03. Gloria – Messe de Saint-Augustin

05. Alleluia – Alléluia ‘irlandais’

07. Offertory – The Deers Cry

07. Sanctus – Messe de Saint-Paul

11. Communion – Bí Thusa Mo Shúile et Ô Vrai Corps de Jésus

13. Closing hymn – City of God

Sheet music

Here is a list of the scores, numbered according to their order during the Mass. Note that there are two communion hymns and two closing hymns.

All the recordings

Stéphane recorded himself singing several songs. Have a listen to get them in your ear! Some advice: don’t only listen to a recording once through, but repeat the difficult parts several times.