First of all, know that the best gift is your presence, and we do not say this lightly because we know that many of you will spend a lot of money to come to our wedding. For this reason, we really expect no gifts other than your care and attention on this day.
Donate to an association
If you would still like to give us a gift, we ask that you direct your generosity to one of our chosen charities.
Saint Vincent de Paul Ireland works for social justice and the creation of a more just and caring nation. They offer a wide range of services and provide practical support to people in need. As a student, Ciara volunteered for the Clarendon Street Conference.
Teach for Belgium attracts, selects, trains and supports volunteer teachers. They undertake to practice their profession in the most disadvantaged schools in the country, so that one day all students have the same chances of success. Paola, Emile’s sister, works with this organization. So we have the assurance that they are doing a great job!
Wikipedia democratizes knowledge by making millions of articles freely accessible to everyone. It’s a free resource, yet immensely valuable, especially if it can become more comprehensive and reliable every day. This is why countless volunteers (including Émile) have contributed to its content; but financial support is also needed to make this wonderful resource work.
Encourage our languages

We would like to start Dutch lessons together. We realized that we had about the same level (Ciara is doing well!) and we thought it would be a great activity to do together during the year. We don’t know yet what type of course we are going to engage in, because it depends on the amount of money we will invest. Your financial contribution can help us make a slightly more ambitious choice.
If you would like to make this donation to us, send us an email to ask for our account number if you don’t already have one.